Small business ideas abound and with the proper knowledge these ideas can turn into a business you can start from home today and begin making money. Testing these business ideas can easily be done by either calling businesses in your area or simply canvasing local companies.
Here are some easy businesses that you can research and start almost immediately:
1. Office cleaning business - This business model is fairly simple. You remove office trash after hours and vacuum. Businesses will typically pay $35 to $70 per month for this service. It doesn't have to be nightly. Maybe a company only needs trash removed once a week and will pay $35 a month.
2. Internet marketing specialist - Let's face it most local business owners are not internet savvy. They focus on running their business on a daily basis. If they want internet traffic be their go to guy for this. There are many methods for advertising on the internet, learn these and begin offering these new marketing ideas to small business owners for a fee.
3. Online consultant - one thing I have noticed is how frequently I see new technology and software. What does this mean? Older persons have a hard time keeping up with new computers, installations, upgrades the go to guy/girl for these people and charge a reasonable hourly fee and they will give you more business than you can imagine.
4. SEO business - As I mentioned above, most local business owners are not internet savvy and many SEO companies are unable to deliver results for their clients. Many of these firms charge outlandish fees as well. Learn and utilize SEO and undercut the competition in your local area. Build a couple of test sites and get them ranked to show your new clients you can do the same for them.
5. Wholesale - Have an idea or a product you want to distribute? From t-shirts to bees wax, many of these companies start in their homes and expand from there. Make plenty of samples and begin going after your local market bringing samples into stores so they can showcase your product or attend festivals or open markets where consumers can see your products.
Remember the key to any business is successful marketing.
I Love your articles guys keep it up.